Subsidiaries & Affiliates

Erdotex B.V.
Schrijnwerkerstraat 1
2984 BC Ridderkerk
The Netherlands
+31 180 474100
Erdotex is the flag ship sorting location within the Erdotex Group. Invested heavily on automation, this high-tech location produces almost half of the complete sorting capacity of the Group.

NEMO – Antwerp
Blancefloerlaan 181A
2050 Antwerp
+32 3 773 4750
NEMO Trading, located in Antwerp, Belgium, has its focus also on the revaluation of textiles. The sorting process is very similar to that of our other branches.

MS Group Textiles
M1-08 SAIF-Zone
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
+971 6 55 78 830
MS Group is active in the UAE, revaluing textiles with a comparable process and identical philosophy as our European locations.

Loodstraat 57
2718 RV Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
+31 79 – 362 0132
Primarily in cooperation with charitable organizations, Climpex is specialized in collecting used textiles throughout the Netherlands.
Saturnusstraat 60
Unit 86 – 2516AH The Hague
The Netherlands
Innovation is key, MangoStone is active in creating technologies to increase the sustainability, efficiency and effectivity of textile collection.
Waalhaven N.Z. 105
3087 BK Rotterdam
The Netherlands
T-imex is active within the Netherlands and also has its focus on the revaluation of textiles. The sorting process is very similar to that of our other branches.
New Life Vintage
Sluisjesdijk 122
3087 AK Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Sorting the volumes we do, you now and then come across some unique vintage garments. New Life Vintage is our sorting company specialized in sorting the vintage streams within Erdotex Group.
BreEnt GmbH
Mittelkampstraße 1
28197 Bremen
+49 (0) 421 – 368 998 90-0
BreEnt focusses its textile collection efforts mainly on Germany. Besides textiles, BreEnt also collects many other different waste streams.